EINSTEIN - In View of Vedic Asrology


               Albert Einstein


               His Birth Data


               Date of Birth: 14-Mar-1879

               Time of Birth: 11:30:00 AM

               Place of Birth: Ulm, Germany


      Birth chart : Based on Lahiri Ayamsha
                           (Not Tropical) 
One of my favorite Horoscopes that is of Albert Einstein. The most powerful thing about this chart is exchange of lords of 9th and 10th house, i.e. Jupiter'S and Saturn'S exchange of house. Secondly the chart reflects the strength of 8th house with exaltation of Mars here in. Saturn becomes a key planet in the horoscope, denoting the practical aspect of Makar/Capricorn and knowledgeability of Aquarius. Associating with Mercury in 10th house makes a Raj Yog and 2nd Raj Yoga comes out with exchange of Jupiter and Saturn (exchange of 9th and 10th lord). The 3rd Raj Yoga comes out as placement of Saturn and Venus together in 10th. And 4th is made with relation of Mercury and Venus in 10th.

          The learners & researchers must understand the role of Mercury and Saturn astrologically producing a personality to work in the fields of Physics & Mechanics or other technical pursuits. These Raj Yogas made Einstein so distinctive, magnificent and distinguished that he became a historical personality.

        The integration of 12th & 5th Lord Venus, 8th & 9th Lord Saturn and 1st & 4th Lord Mercury produced well defined interpretation of Physics, inserting his special theory of relativity in both scientific and spiritual expressions. Here Mercury expresses the brain abilities in terms of logical thinking and expanding analysis, from its KARKATVA and becoming more sparked due to being the ascendant lord. On the other side Saturn a slow and thorough observer tends to take the life of native too serious especially when posited in Pisces sign. The association of both these planets in 10th house (the house of profession) has not only made a superior Raj Yoga but also brought in the attributes and out comes in the house of fame and outer world (The 10th house).

        After observing the Horoscope carefully we can well understand the mutual relation produced between the spiritual and limitless sign Pisces and knowledgeability of Aquarius, which is being reflected by exchange of positions of Rashi (sign) Lords. The outcomes of this exchange get transmitted to ascendant Lord Mercury in 10th. Ultimately one strong Raj Yoga affects the other Raj Yoga in a positive manner. This resulted towards his unforgettable and persistent contribution in relativistic cosmology and classical problems of statistical mechanics and their application to quantum theory. Now being Lord of 5th house, third key planet of the horoscope,Venus which also denotes the intellect of a person (in Gemini ascendant chart) joins these Raj Yog makers in the 10th thereby not only canceling the debilitation of Mercury but also contributing and bestowing another Raj yoga to give name and fame of world level.

         The another thought of Vedic Astrology describes that if Gemini rises as ascendant and Aquarius falls in Navamsa ascendant, the native becomes highly prosperous and intelligent. The Navamsa chart also gets strengthened due to placement of Saturn in 9th house with having glory of exaltation. Again in Navamsa 5th Lord Mercury joins 1st Lord Saturn in 9th. And 9th Lord Venus associates with 10th Lord Mars in ascendant. 6th lord Moon in 12th makes a Vipreeta Raj Yoga. Now I want to list various Yogas giving further enormous strength to the chart

1. Gaj Kesari Yog                Moon and Jupiter in mutual Kendras

2. Budh Aditya Yog             Sun mercury together in same Signs

3. Malavya Yog                    Venus in Kendra and exalted too.

4. Saraswati Yog                 Mercury, Jupiter and Venus in Kendra and Konas

5. Chamar Yog                    Two banefics in 7, 9 and 10

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